Get your Gear, Better your Club

Rebel Sports partners with CUFC to provide assistance to the club. As a benefit to the CUFC community, we get regular discount invitations and ongoing support for club sporting equipment.

If you need gear this year from shorts to boots, make sure you grab a Rebel Sport Account first and link it to the Currimundi United Club. This way, every dollar you spend at Rebel, pays back onto your club so you benefit from new gear such as fresh nets, balls, training gear and more.

How to do it:

1. Get a Rebel account
2. Link to Currimundi United FC

Link your account to Currimundi United Football Club to provide benefits back to the club at no cost to you.

3. Reap the rewards

For every dollar spent, CUFC receives credit. With these we are able to purchase balls, training bibs, pop up goals, and other equipment to assist the players of our Club.

Make sure you get a customer account when you shop at Rebel Sports.

Sunshine Coast Churches Soccer Association

Important 2025 registration notice

Thanks for your interest in registering to play for CUFC. 

Please follow the links below to register and to order shorts and socks. 

If you have any specific queries regarding registration please email   

1. Visit the SCCSA WEBSITE

Click the register button to take you to the Registration area on the SCCSA site where exisiting players can log-in or new players can create an account.

2. Register players

Register who is playing, ensuring you have all of your player info ready for registration options. 'Team Requests' OR 'Change Team Requests' are to be completed as part of your online registration.

3. Payment

During registration, you can pay by credit card online at the SCCSA website. For any non-typical registrations such as vouchers or payment plans, select 'Pay at Club' and see our staff at the club us on registration day to finalise payment and collect uniform.

The SCCSA is our association who are responsible for registration of all players as well as organising season fixtures.