Coaching and managing
the roles
Managers and Coaches each have specific duties and responsibilities but it is important that they work together at all times, assist each other, share the workload as necessary, and ensure that the team functions smoothly in a friendly and happy environment.
It is important that every member of the team is given the same opportunity to develop his or her individual and team skills in an atmosphere of harmony and friendship.
Players should be encouraged to show respect for the players and supporters of opposing teams, to respect the authority of referees and club officials and to always accept the decisions of referees without dissent.
Coaches and managers Responsibilities
Duties and expectations
- Coach and train the team to ensure that the football skills, fitness and team spirit are developed and enhanced and that the team performs to the best of its ability. For instance when you have players with different abilities it can be hard to form appropriate drills. It’s about framing what success looks like for different players and adjusting your drills to do so.
- Select the team for all games and allocate players to positions in accordance with their playing skills and to the maximum benefit of the team. This is particularly important for U10s and up. And not so important for U9s and down. However, the sooner you discover your player’s strengths in a position, the better it is for them to learn the skills of that position.
- In consultation with the Manager, ensure that all players play an equal number of games and are given approximately the same playing time where possible.
- If you are short of players, due to player injury or absence and cannot field a full team, you may borrow eligible players from other teams within the Club.
- For U9’s and up, keep a record of all occasions your team has borrowed a player from another Club team. This is important as no child can play no more than 5 games for another team in any one season.This can only be done in accordance with the rules outlined in the front of your Team Book. A borrowed player must not be given preference over existing team members during the match.
- Confirm suitable training times during the Team Meet Up Day in consultation with the Club Registrar. Always ensure that your training is conducted at the location and within the times allocated to your team. Do not allow your training to interfere with the activities of a team allocated to another part of the ground at the same time.
- Coaches are required to wear your “Coach” Polo Shirt, provided by the Club as identification for all matches.
- Substitutions. For U9s and upwards, all substitutions must occur at the halfway line. And only after the Referee has signalled it is OK to do so. Your substituting player must wait at the halfway line and can only enter the field once the current player has left the field of play.
- For Coaches in competitive age groups – U11 and up, you are required to select Best & Fairest at each game.
- For the Opposition – you will be asked by a Match Referee to nominate one person (by shirt number) from the Opposition that you believe was the Opposition’s Best & Fairest during the match. You may wish to allocate this to either your Manager or another parent so you can focus on your team.
- For your Team – as there are awards at the end of the season for Most Improved and Best & Fairest. You may wish to use a simple 3, 2, 1 point system for every match. Going towards Best & Fairest. And then simply add the points at the end of the season.
It is often best for you, as the Coach and maybe with your Manager, to allocate the points. And not have your players decide as they are not able to view the game in its entirety.You are not required to use a point system. This is solely an example that is often most effective and transparent.
- Success will look different for different players as well so take this into account. We will be creating a Combined 11 which will take the best players in the clubs entirety who their Coaches and Managers have nominated to create the CUFC Ultimate Team. We will need you to email us at the end of the season with your nomination as well as a detailed description as to why this player deserves this recognition. There will be at least one player chosen from each age group.
- Player of the Match – you will be provided with game day rewards that are designed to be given to your selected Player of the Match. This may not be the best player on the field that day. But maybe someone who has clearly tried their best. Or executed their assigned role well. Or performed well at training. The player of the match award is designed to be ‘shared’ around however it is also there to provide your players with something to strive for.
- Only Coaches, Managers & Players are allowed in the ‘Technical Area’ or Substitution Area during all matches. Parents, Grandparents, Siblings, etc can be located anywhere outside of the marked Technical Area.
1. Ensure that all parents and team members are fully informed of competition matters, the weekly draw and Club activities. All this information is available on the Club Facebook page, Instagram and Emails. You can also check the SCCSA website for details.
2. In consultation with the Coach, ensure that all players play an equal number of games and are given approximately the same playing time where possible.
3. If you are short of players, due to player injury or absence and cannot field a full team, you may borrow eligible players from other teams within the Club.
4. For U9’s and up, of all occasions your team has from another Club team.This is important as no child can play no than 5 games for another team in any one season.
a. This can only be done in accordance with the rules outlined in the front of your Team Book.A borrowed player be given preference over existing team members during the match.
5. Ensure that team members or parents are advised of late changes to the published draw, match cancellations and are aware of ground locations. All updated match information is available via the SCCSA website and Facebook page.
6. Arrange for your nominated parents and/or players to attend your Team’s assigned Field Set-Up or Canteen roster during home games.
7. Managers are required to wear your “Manager” Polo Shirt, provided by the Club as identification for all matches.
8. Only Coaches, Managers & Players are allowed in the ‘Technical Area’ or Substitution Area during all matches. Parents, Grandparents, Siblings, etc can be located anywhere outside of the marked Technical Area.
9. Ensure that the team sheet is marked correctly online and that a record is kept of all families present at training.

Give back
Become a coach or Manager
Our club is run with the help of a dedicated group of Community volunteers who selflessly strive to make each practice, game, and event a memorable and enjoyable experience for the players and their families.
If you want to share your knowledge, skills and support with your community, there is no better way than becoming a couch and inspiring a whole new generation of players.
If you’d like to apply to be come a couch, get in touch with us below.
Get inspiration for your coaching

The National Football curriculum
The FFA National Football Curriculum provides answers to the fundamental questions that should engage the minds of everyone involved in the game from the professional tier to the grassroots.

Games, Warmups & Changover plans
We've designed and collated a suite of resources to help coaches run training sessions and better manage games. Get them here.

Player Checklist
To be used by the Coach/Manager of each team to record the arrival and departure of each player on their team to both training sessions and fixtures. These documents are to be kept for the duration of the season and then passed onto the Secretary along with the team kit bag.