Rules & Regulations
The Currimundi United Football Club is an integral part of the Sunshine Coast Churches Soccer Association and as such we support their rules and regulations. Listed below are a variety of Rules and Regulations declared by both the Currimundi United Football Club and the Sunshine Coast Churches Soccer Association. It is strongly recommended that you take the time to familiarise yourself with these Rules and Regulations. Should you have any questions relating to any of these Rules and Regulations please contact the Secretary of the Currimundi United Football Club.
Currimundi United Footbal Club
All members and visitors to the Currimundi United Football Club ovals are advised that there is a NO SMOKING policy in place. Smoking is not permitted, at any time when training or fixtures are being held, within the boundaries of the Currimundi United Football Club which is defined by the grassed areas of and surrounding the ovals and clubhouse.
Pets (dogs, cats etc) are not permitted within the boundaries of the Currimundi United Football Club at any time when training or fixtures are taking place. The boundaries of the club are defined as the grassed areas of and surrounding the ovals and clubhouse.
The consumption of alcohol at the Currimundi United Football Club ovals is forbidden. The boundaries of the club are defined as the grassed areas of and surrounding the ovals and clubhouse.
Harassment and Bullying Policy