Junior league

Mixed teams





  •  Game Jersey Supplied
  • Socks & Shorts (extra purchase at club)
  • Shinpads & Boots (self supply)

Junior league

Mixed teams





  • Game Jersey Supplied
  • Socks & Shorts (extra purchase at club)
  • Shinpads & Boots (self supply)

Junior league

Mixed teams





  • Game Jersey Supplied
  • Socks & Shorts (extra purchase at club)
  • Shinpads & Boots (self supply)

Junior league

Mixed teams





  • Game Jersey Supplied
  • Socks & Shorts (extra purchase at club)
  • Shinpads & Boots (self supply)

Men's league

Men's teams





Socks and black shorts to be purchased by player; shin pads, boots supplied by player.Register

O35's & O45’s


Men's over 35 and 45





Socks and black shorts to be purchased by player; shin pads, boots supplied by player.Register

Women's league

Women only teams





Socks and black shorts to be purchased by player; shin pads, boots supplied by player.Register





















Join our club

our divisions

Registration Fees

The SCCSA is our association who are responsible for registration of all players as well as organising season fixtures. All Registration buttons will direct to the SCCSA site to complete registration.

Registration FAQ's

Find out about our various
Payment options

We aim to cater for as many financial situations as possible, if you can't find information on what you need, please contact us to speak further.

Pay Online via the SCCSA SITE

The fastest way to secure your position in this years league is to pay in FULL via credit / debit card at the end of the online registration process (all registration buttons on this site will take you there). You will recieve an immediate player ID and recepit.

Pay at the club

To pay your registration fees, after completing the online registration and selecting the 'Pay at Club' option, you can come down to the Currimundi Club House on Sign up day at the start of the season.

Family Discount

Discounts are offered to families registering 3 or more children. To qualify for this discount, registration payment must be made at the club.
IMPORTANT: Select 'Pay at Club' when completing the ‘Payment’ section of the Online Registration Form.

Fair Play vouchers

Yes we accept Fair Play Vouchers. To use a 'Fair Play' voucher, registration payment must be made at the club. If you have selected "Pay At Club" and have a FairPlay voucher, you can either pay in person on our "pay at club" day on 8th February 2025 from 8am-12pm, or pay via Direct Deposit into our club bank account. We also have payment plans available. Please contact us for more information.
IMPORTANT: Select 'Pay at Club' when completing the ‘Payment’ section of the Online Registration Form.

Payment PLans

We're able to accomodate a monthly payment if required once registration has been completed.
IMPORTANT: Select 'Pay at Club' when completing the ‘Payment’ section of the Online Registration Form.
Once registration has completed email treasurer@currimundifc.com with your player details to have your payment plan set up.

The Player Registration Fee covers:

  • Field Maintenance

  • Provision of Team Match Shirts

  • Association Team Fee

  • Association Player Fee

  • Player Insurance

  • All Referee Fees

  • All equipment – balls, nets, training equipment

  • Club operating costs

The Club pays nearly $70,000 per year in operating costs.  And registration is only a small fraction of this total cost.

The Club is reliant on profits from our canteen (home games only), merchandise sales, donations and grants.

Our Club is 100% volunteer staffed – so any cost cutting measure we take allows us to keep the registration fees low.

The Sunshine Coast Churches Soccer Association Inc maintains the insurance policies for all players of the Association in relation to a Personal Accident Policy and a Public Liability Policy. An element of your registration fee is directly related to insurance costs.

To understand what you are covered for, when you are covered and how to claim please use the link below to take you directly to the appropriate Sunshine Coast Churches Soccer Association Inc webpage.

Please note that where an injury occurs that could lead to a possible claim, the Coach or Manager must complete an Incident Report Form within one (1) week of the incident.   This form is to be handed to the Currimundi United Football Club Secretary who will email it to admin@sccsa.org.au.   A copy of the Incident Report can be accessed via the “Insurance Link” below, or visiting our “Forms” webpage.

Insurance Link

Should you have any questions in relation to the insurance you should first read the applicable documentation via the above link.   If you are unable to find the answer you seek then you should contact the Sunshine Coast Churches Soccer Association Inc.

To view the current Schedules of Insurance maintained by the Sunshine Coast Churches Soccer Association -click here

Listed below are forms that are used by either the Currimundi United Churches Football Club or the Sunshine Coast Churches Soccer Association.

Note: completed forms need to be forwarded to the club Secretary, secretary@currimundifc.com

Incident Report

An incident report must be completed for all injuries. They may also be used to report other incidents, such as breaches to Codes of Behaviour.

All incident reports are to be forwarded to the club Secretary. An Incident Report should be submitted within 1 week of the occurrence.

Get the Incident form

Request for Transfer

If you are a member of the Currimundi United Football Club and wish to transfer to another club within the SCCSA then you are required to complete a Request for Transfer. All Requests for Transfer are to be forwarded to the Registrar.


Get the Transfer form

CUFC will acknowledge and consider any request for team allocation, but cannot guarantee fulfillment.

SCCSA Association rules state that preference is made to returning players. If the team is NOT full with returning players – then new players are allowed to be added to the team.

Team composition is simply ‘First Come – First Served’.  If any players DO NOT want to remain in the same team – please advise of the team change request during the Registration Process.  Failure to advise the Committee of the change at time of Registration may result in the change not being possible as teams may already be full.

A “Request Explanation” may be raised if the ‘Request’ cannot be automatically accommodated. 

As part of Team Composition and also Team Requests – players may volunteer or be asked to play up or down an age group. This is completely dependent on age, gender and whether dispensation can be obtained as per Sunshine Coast Soccer Association Guidelines.

No player will be FORCED to play in a team they do not want to be a part of.

Application for Dispensation

Players who would like to apply for dispensation need to contact the Registrar, registrar@currimundifc.com

Sunshine Coast Churches Soccer Association


The SCCSA is our association who are responsible for registration of all players as well as organising season fixtures. Registration for our club is all completed via their website.

1. Visit the SCCSA WEBSITE

Click any register button throughout our site to take you to the Registration area on the SCCSA site where you can log-in or create a new account.

2. Register players

There are options to log in for returning players, or starting as a new registration. Ensure you have all of your player info ready for registration options. 'Team Requests' OR 'Change Team Requests' are to be completed as part of your online registration. ​

3. Payment

During registration, you can pay by credit card online. For any non-typical registrations such as vouchers or payment plans, select 'Pay at Club' and speak with us directly to finalise your registration payment.

Sunshine Coast Churches Soccer Association

Important 2025 registration notice

Thanks for your interest in registering to play for CUFC. 

Please follow the links below to register and to order shorts and socks. 

If you have any specific queries regarding registration please email


1. Visit the SCCSA WEBSITE

Click the register button to take you to the Registration area on the SCCSA site where exisiting players can log-in or new players can create an account.

2. Register players

Register who is playing, ensuring you have all of your player info ready for registration options. 'Team Requests' OR 'Change Team Requests' are to be completed as part of your online registration.

3. Payment

During registration, you can pay by credit card online at the SCCSA website. For any non-typical registrations such as vouchers or payment plans, select 'Pay at Club' and see our staff at the club us on registration day to finalise payment and collect uniform.

The SCCSA is our association who are responsible for registration of all players as well as organising season fixtures.